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3 in One Ministry

Jesus answered,

I am

the Way and the Truth and the Life.

Mountain Trail

"No one comes to the Father

except through Me.

(John 14:6)

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    Online Bible Study
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    3 in One Ministry
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    3 in One Ministry
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    3 in One Ministry
    Hearing the Living God through His Word, Virtually
Merry Christmas!  Year-End Greeting 2023
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"The church exists by mission as fire exists by burning,”

Emil Brunner

Our God is Three in One

All Three are involved as One,

in The Creation of the Universe,

The Cosmic Redemption &

The Regeneration of each of our souls.

"In the Holy Scriptures the work of creation is attributed to the Father (Gen. 1:1), to the Son (Col. 1;16), and to the Holy Spirit (Job. 26:13 and Ps. 104:30). The incarnation is shown to have been accomplished by the three Persons in full accord (Luke 1: 35), though only the Son became flesh to dwell among us. At Christ’s baptism the Son came up out of the water, the Spirit descended upon Him and the Father’s voice spoke from heaven (Matt. 3:16, 17). Probably the most beautiful description of the work of atonement is found in Hebrews 9:14, where it is stated that Christ, through the Eternal Spirit, offered Himself without spot to God; and there we behold the three persons operating together.                                                                                   

[A. W. Tozer, Knowledge of the Holy]

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